Improving digestive function is one of the most important steps you can take in improving your health.
The digestive system is really the corner stone of our wellbeing, as it is involved in so many processes. It enables nutrients to be released from our food and absorbed into the cells of our body to perform metabolic functions.Moreover, a large reservoir of microbes, such as bacteria, live within the large intestine and, to a lesser degree, in the rest of the digestive system. These bacteria play a very important role in healthy digestion.
Digestives problems are often due to one or more of the following:
Poor digestion (Irritation, intoxication, lack of enzymes,lack of stomach acid)
Poor absorption (Dysbiosis, increased gut permeability, food intolerances or food allergies)
Poor elimination
Common digestive issues :
Irritable Bowel Syndroms (IBS)
Stomach pain
Food intolerance
Bloating, flatulence
I will seek to optimise your gastrointestinal health through restoring optimal digestion and absorption of food .